Marigold partnership with Mawahub – a strategic training program for Blockchain adoption
We are glad to share our partnership with MawaHub to guide eight teams with high-level mentoring, strategical consulting, and Web 3 architecture & training expertise to the participating teams.
Open your Bakery
Discover our comprehensive guide to open your own Tezos bakery with a script to setup your own bakery, and useful links to go further.
Originating a Smart Rollup
During the last quarter, the Tezos' core teams have improved the user experience to originate a kernel. Even if your kernel is bigger than 24KB, origination is much simpler and intuitive thanks to the new tooling. In this updated blog post, we demonstrate what is the new way to originate a small and a big kernel.
In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to develop a Smart Rollup kernel. With the help of the kernel SDK we will create a simple counter written in Rust. At the end of this tutorial you will be able to write and compile your kernel. And as a bonus, we will also see how to debug a kernel by simulating it.
Discontinuing the Deku Project
In this post, we share information about the discontinuation of the Deku project.
Ticket updates in receipts
In Lima, we will introduce a new ticket update field in the transaction receipt. In this post, we will go over what this means and why it is important for the future of Tezos.
Announcing Deku-C Betanet
We are pleased to announce the launch of a Deku Canonical betanet running on the Tezos Ghostnet. This network features better performance and stability, major improvements to the API and developer experience, and the debut of a new Wasmer-based virtual machine.
We are making a proposal to the Tezos protocol to reject tickets of zero amount. To communicate this potential change, in this post, we will discuss the motivation of this change, the plan for migration and enforcement of this new policy, the assessment of the possible impact, and suggestions on mitigation and migration paths.
We recently introduced a new capability to send events from Tezos smart contract in Protocol Kathmandu. This provides a canonical interface for contracts to write events into transaction receipts easily without resorting to custom eventing solutions. It is cheap in terms of gas consumption and potentially allowing indexers to serve events to your off-chain application, as demonstrated by our toy dApp.
How to scale a blockchain is a huge topic and Tezos core devs teams are exploring several designs. At Marigold, we want to share our R&D work with Tezos builders as soon as possible to get their feedback and improve our proposal. Since scaling blockchains is still an experimental field we're developing different solutions with different benefits.
Tickets for dummies
Tezos tickets are a built-in generic data type, with strong invariants enforced by the type system. That’s a mouthful and doesn’t convey much without context. Tickets: what, why, how? What makes tickets tick? So let’s talk about tickets. And let’s not assume any prior knowledge about linear types, michelson primitives or the edo protocol period, and let’s take our time. First, let’s give some context.
Marigold is happy to announce a free voting DApp based on Tezos. This application proposes different voting templates to support election diversity. There is no hidden fees or intermediary contracts, the user deploys and owns his contract on Tezos networks.
Understand your bigmap
Learn how bigmaps work, how are they used for and why it is a very practical structure in Michelson.
It’s been a little over one year since Marigold formed, and I’ve been reflecting on my experience working on Tezos in that time. We’ve also recently had “Marigold week”, our very first IRL gathering, which was a lot of fun, and I’m feeling sentimental. On this double count, I’d like to relate to you why I enjoy working on the Tezos blockchain.
Tips for Using Views
Part of Hangzhou protocol update, learn more about how Views feature works and find advice for using it.
How TzStamp works
Introducing TzStamp, a cryptographic timestamping service that uses the Tezos blockchain to prove a file existed at or before a particular time.
Announcing Hangzhou2
As announced in our previous blog post, a critical bug was found in the implemention of views introduced in protocol proposal PtHangzHo. Through the joint efforts of Marigold, Nomadic Labs, and Trilitech, we have developed a patched protocol PtHangz2a that includes a fix to this bug, as well as several other bug fixes implemented after injection of PtHangzHo.
What consensus algorithms are, what consensus algorithms are not and why we need them
Consensus algorithms are often described as the key component of blockchain. This is wrong.
Introducing Tezos Cache
Tezos now has an active memory, cache mechanism that can store recently-used information.
Introducing Global Constants
In protocol Hangzhou, we introduce a small but powerfulfeature called global constants to address this issue.
BLS Signatures
BLS is a scheme for making digital signature using pairing friendly elliptic curves.